Test: los precios 2

Un test para poner a prueba tu comprensión oral. Comprar en una tienda de ropa.

Un test para poner a prueba tu comprensión oral. Comprar en una tienda de ropa.

1. What size does the customer ask for?

The customer asks for size M
The customer asks for size S
The customer asks for size 40
The customer asks for size 34

2. What colour does the customer ask for?

The customer asks for blue
The customer asks for red
The customer asks for grey
The customer asks for green

3. What size does the customer ask for?

The customer wants size M
The customer wants size S
The customer wants size XL
The customer wants size 36

4. What colour does the customer ask for?

The customer asks for pink
The customer asks for red
The customer asks for yellow
The customer asks for green

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